Tuesday, May 1, 2012


What is going on Team Manimal? This is my first entry of many in the world of the Manimal Fitness takeover!!!!!

Since this is the first entry, I felt that there were many different topics that I could discuss that would help out others (not only in the world of bodybuilding) but also to help just regular individuals with their weight loss or gaining goals. The topic that I wanted to discuss first was the topic of MOTIVATION and what that means to me, and how I am continually motivated day in day out.

There are many different ways that one is able to get motivated. By the way they feel, by what they see on the scale, even from what other people say about them and their physique's. But for me, motivation comes from the inside. From seeing where I came from to where I am today; that is pure motivation in my eyes.

Let's take a look at three pictures. The time frame between the three is about 6 years. In 6 years I went from an overweight, gym noob....to well this:

This is what motivates me for one thing. Seeing the goals and dreams that I have established for myself finally taking over. The time spent in the gym, the meals that I have eaten, the shows that I have dieted for. I am motivated by becoming almost like an artist; taking a body (like a piece of clay) and molding it into something that I view as perfection (which if you know me, I am FAR FROM IT)

The inner goals and dreams that I have inside of me are what motivates me to get out of bed everyday and succeed to do my best. To bring myself into the gym day after day and put in the time and hard work. Not many people can say that do that. Not many people even have goals and dreams such as the ones that I set for myself. The most constant complaint that I hear from people is: "I do not have enough time, to do what you do." Really? You don't have an hour out of your day to go to the gym and put in the hard work it takes. But you do have time to go out and party and drink to excess. That is the difference between my dreams and the dreams of others. I choose to think outside of the norm, to be different. To be a MANIMAL.

"You see things; and you say, 'WHY?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'WHY NOT?" - George Bernard Shaw.

I read this quote and I agree 100%. I dream that I am going to become a professional bodybuilder or at least an individual in the fitness industry. Do you know how many times I have told an individual that and they say no you won't. 'You aren't big enough, you are too old, you will never do anything' and I just look at them with a smile. For they have already ended their goals and dreams because they doubt others. I believe that anybody can do anything they set their mind too.

Everyone has a reason for why they do the things they do. Mine is to become a better person every single day. I need to know that after I have left the gym. After every rep, every set, every brick that I have laid. I am on my way to becoming the best I can be.

This right here is a great pic of Evan Centopani. It shows how he went from an overweight child
to a MONSTER on the professional bodybuilding stage. He had his dreams and goals
he did what he had to do, in order to reach them.

I know what motivates me! I know what drives me. I know what my goals and dreams are, and I am on my way to obtaining them. I am on my way everyday to become the man I want to see in the mirror and on the stage. 

What about you? What motivates you? What are your dreams?

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