Sunday, June 17, 2012

Go HARD or Go HOME!!! (Do You Have What It Takes?)

Whats up ladies and gents of TEAM MANIMAL!!!

It has been a while since my last update, many things have changed, and I have even learned a few new things that I would love to share with you all. Everything that I write in my blogs and updates can be used not only in the gym and standard fitness infused lifestyles. But also for individuals who just live normal, everyday lives. We all know that that the MANIMAL is FAR from normal; and I live with the life belief that you either GO HARD or GO HOME!!!!

Go HARD or Go Home!!! What does that mean to you? What feelings does one get when they read those 5 words (almost a sentence haha). For ME, it means leaving everything on the table; If it be in the gym, at work, I need to make sure that after it is all said and done. I did everything HUMANLY possible to accomplish my goals for the day. For me, that means going into the gym with a purpose, to make every gym session better than the last. NOW, that does not mean I am there to socialize, to know about my friends days, to know about the drama that is part of their lives. I am there to prove to myself that I can do anything and everything to win.

This means to go into the gym and just do a BASIC, no frills workout. None of this CROSSFIT Bullshit that I see all this little sissy people doing. I mean hardcore, blood and sweat on the floor workouts. Screaming out in pain as the veins pop all over, and sweat runs down your face. There is no reason to over think a workout; no reason to do anything fancy. Stick to the basics, Squat (or leg press depending on what you are able to do), deadlifts, barbell rows, presses (military, bench, etc.). DO THOSE and you will grow like the Manimal. Just follow the rules of KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid!!!!!

Now one's workout depends on what your goals are; bodybuilding and power lifting would train completely different than someone who is going for an over fitness and health goal, and I get that. But even so, you need to make sure you get your meals in, you are well rested and you leave nothing on the table once you get into the gym. Train SMART not cocky. Lift HARD but strict, and ALWAYS keep your eyes on the prize.

Everyone asks me what my overall goal is, and that would be to win a bodybuilding show. But that is my long term goal, I also have short term goals that I set for myself either bi weekly or monthly and that is the bread and butter of MANIMAL training my friends. For me, it is either a strength goal, a body goal (such as arm size, chest, etc.) or an weight goal. This way I KNOW I am training the way I need to train. If I am cutting, I try to lose around 2 lbs a week (while gaining size I shoot for 1 lb a week). When I do this in a slow steady fashion, I know that I am either losing FAT or gaining MUSCLE. Now, this is what works for the MANIMAL but you need to figure out what works for you.

Remember, no matter what. No matter what life throws at you, YOU CAN OVERCOME IT. You always need to think positive and stay strong. Once a negative thought comes into your head, you doubt yourself and your actions. People around you influence what you do, and you lose your path. You might have paid your costs, but you are no longer the boss of your own reality.

ALWAYS do what you feel is best, listen to your heart and your mind will follow.

Until next time!!! Keep going hard or just go home, because you are taking up space in my gym!!!


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