Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Mind: The Greatest and Strongest Muscle?


Manimal here (as you already knew that), it hasn't been as long as the last time we spoke, but its been a hot minute. Not much has changed since the last blog, but I have just been doing a lot of thinking of ways in which we can all become better in our daily lives in and outside of the gym. What I am talking about is having a POSITIVE MINDSET and not allowing the NEGATIVE thoughts to become part of our daily lives

Positivity, it is something I try to preach on a DAILY basis. When you are in sync with your mind and body in a positive manner, GOOD things happen. But when there are negative aspects around, you will suffer, mostly your time in the GYM and your body will show the affects of the negativity. If you cannot keep it together mentally, day to day, workout to workout, then you will suffer. You will not GROW, you will not become a better YOU, you will remain the same, or even worse GO BACKWARDS.

If you have positive thoughts all day, that you are going to have the BEST workout in the world, do you know something. You will. You will break through plateaus, you will move more weight than last week, your body will CHANGE. Why? Because you already have created in your mind that you are going to win, that you are going to succeed in the gym.

But on the FLIP side. If you going into the gym and go "I'm too tired today, my body hurts, I didn't eat enough, I DON'T want to workout." You know what you should do. GO HOME. Get the HELL out of my gym, because with all of those negative thoughts and energy you have already lost. And eventually that negative energy is going to seep out of you and come into my world and I will not have it. The types of people that I hate are the ones that go. I really want to change the way I look, but I am too tired to go to the gym. I just don't have the TIME. Well you know what, make the damn time. Its not that hard to find 1 hr a day to get into the gym and change your life. Granted, I know people want to have personal lives and not just be inside a gym all of their life. But 1 hr a day to benefit your HEALTH, is worth a lot more than living a life in negativity and feeling sorry for yourself when you have the resources to change it.

I hope this wasn't too much of a rant. But if somebody wants something SO BAD, they need to think positively. Set goals for yourself. If you want to lose weight, go I want to lose 10 lbs this month rather than I need to lose 80 lbs by January. Its a life of NEEDS and WANTS. Positivity and Negativity. THE HAVES and HAVE NOTS. Remember that. Wake up every morning and think positive thoughts and good things will happen.

Evan Centopani Road to the Arnold (Playlist)

I want everyone to check out the above playlist. It is by one of my favorite bodybuilders, EVAN CENTOPANI. It is documenting his last prep he did for the Arnold Classic, in it he talks about being positive, having the right mindset, doing what feels right for YOU and not someone else. This is what the MANIMAL does on a daily basis. I do what feels right for ME in my life, not what everyone else says I should do.

So GO OUT THERE, THINK POSITIVE, DO THE RIGHT THING and your body will follow! I promise!!!



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